
publications by categories in reversed chronological order.


  1. One to beat them all: "RYU” - a unifying framework for the construction of safe balls
    Thu-Le TranClément ElviraHong-Phuong Dang, and Cédric Herzet
    preprint 2023

International journal papers (5 entries)

  1. Bayes in action in deep learning and dictionary learning
    Julyan Arbel, Hong-Phuong Dang, Clement Elvira, Cedric HerzetZacharie Naulet, and 1 more author
    ESAIM Proceedings and surveys Nov 2023
  2. Safe Rules for the Identification of Zeros in the Solutions of the SLOPE Problem
    Clément Elvira, and Cédric Herzet
    SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science Mar 2023
  3. When does OMP achieve exact recovery with continuous dictionaries?
    Clément ElviraRémi GribonvalCharles Soussen, and Cédric Herzet
    Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis Mar 2021
  4. Safe Squeezing for Antisparse Coding
    Clément Elvira, and Cedric Herzet
    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Mar 2020
  5. Bayesian Antisparse Coding
    Clément ElviraPierre Chainais, and Nicolas Dobigeon
    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Apr 2017

International conference papers (16 entries)

  1. A New Branch-and-Bound Pruning Framework for \ell_0-Regularized Problems
    Guyard Theo, Cédric HerzetClément Elvira, and Ayse-Nur Arslan
    In Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning 21–27 jul 2024
  2. Safe Peeling for \ell_0-Regularized Least-Squares
    Théo GuyardGilles MonnoyerClément Elvira, and Cédric Herzet
    In 2023 31st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) 21–27 jul 2023
  3. Region-free Safe Screening Tests for \ell 1 -penalized Convex Problems
    Cédric HerzetClément Elvira, and Hong-Phuong Dang
    In 2022 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) Aug 2022
  4. Beyond GAP screening for Lasso by exploiting new dual cutting half-spaces
    Thu-Le TranClément ElviraHong-Phuong Dang, and Cédric Herzet
    In 2022 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) Aug 2022
  5. Screen & Relax: Accelerating the resolution of Elastic-net by safe identification of the solution support
    Théo GuyardCédric Herzet, and Clément Elvira
    In ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Aug 2021
  6. Node-screening tests for l0-penalized Least-Squares problem
    Théo GuyardCédric Herzet, and Clément Elvira
    In ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Oct 2021
  7. Continuous dictionaries meet low-rank tensor approximations
    Clément ElviraJérémy E CohenCédric Herzet, and Rémi Gribonval
    In iTwist 2020 - International Traveling Workshop on Interactions between low-complexity data models and Sensing Techniques Jun 2020
  8. BLASTER: An Off-Grid Method for Blind and Regularized\{Acoustic Echoes Retrieval
    In ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Jun 2020
  9. Short and squeezed: accelerating the computation of antisparse representations with safe squeezing
    Clément Elvira, and Cédric Herzet
    In ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Jun 2020
  10. Uniform k-step recovery with CMF dictionaries
    Clément ElviraRémi GribonvalCédric Herzet, and Charles Soussen
    In SPARS 2019 - Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations Jul 2019
  11. OMP and continuous dictionaries: is k-step recovery possible?
    Clément ElviraRémi GribonvalCharles Soussen, and Cédric Herzet
    In ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) May 2019
  12. Parameter-free Small Variance Asymptotics for Dictionary Learning
    Hong-Phuong Dang, and Clément Elvira
    In 2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) May 2019
  13. A case of exact recovery with OMP using continuous dictionaries
    Clément ElviraRémi GribonvalCédric Herzet, and Charles Soussen
    In CS 2018 - 9th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces Jun 2018
  14. Small variance asymptotics and bayesian nonparametrics for dictionary learning
    Clement Elvira, Hong-Phuong Dang, and Pierre Chainais
    In 2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) Sep 2018
  15. Bayesian nonparametric subspace estimation
    Clément ElviraPierre Chainais, and Nicolas Dobigeon
    In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Mar 2017
  16. Democratic prior for anti-sparse coding
    Clément ElviraPierre Chainais, and Nicolas Dobigeon
    In 2016 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP) Jun 2016

National conference papers (6 entries)

  1. Une nouvelle méthode d’accélération pour LASSO par élimination sûre de variables
    Thu-Le TranClément ElviraHong-Phuong Dang, and Cédric Herzet
    In Conférence sur l’Apprentissage automatique Jul 2022
  2. Screen & Relax: Accélérer la résolution du problème" Elastic-Net" par identification du support de la solution
    Theo Guyard, Cédric Herzet, and Clément Elvira
    In GRETSI 2022-XXVIIIème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images Jul 2022
  3. Node-screening pour le problème des moindres carrés avec pénalité L0
    Theo Guyard, Cédric HerzetClément Elvira, and Ayşe Nur Arslan
    In GRETSI 2022-XXVIIIème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images Jul 2022
  4. Identification de supports en k etapes avec OMP pour les dictionnaires continus
    Clément ElviraRémi GribonvalCharles Soussen, and Cédric Herzet
    In GRETSI 2019 - XXVIIème Colloque francophonede traitement du signal et des images Aug 2019
  5. Vers une méthode d’optimisation non paramétrique pour l’apprentissage de dictionnaire en utilisant Small-Variance Asymptotics pour modèle probabiliste
    Hong-Phuong DangClément Elvira, and Pierre Chainais
    In CAP Aug 2018
  6. Une formulation bayésienne du codage antiparcimonieux
    Clément ElviraPierre Chainais, and Nicolas Dobigeon
    In Actes du XXVIi‘eme Colloque GRETSI Aug 2017

Technical reports

  1. Supplementary materials: Safe rules for the identification of zeros in the solutions of the SLOPE problem
    Clément Elvira, and Cédric Herzet
    techreport Oct 2021
  2. A response to “Fast OSCAR and OWL Regression via Safe Screening Rules” by Bao et al.
    Clément Elvira, and Cédric Herzet
    techreport Oct 2021
  3. Bayesian nonparametric principal component analysis
    Clément ElviraPierre Chainais, and Nicolas Dobigeon
    techreport Oct 2017


  1. Modèles bayésiens pour l’identification de représentations antiparcimonieuses et l’analyse en composantes principales non paramétrique
    Clément Elvira
    phdthesis Nov 2017